Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Advantages of Using Technology in Second Language Education

Wang, Li (2005/May). The Advantages of Using Technology in Second Language Education. T.H.E. Journal, Retrieved 05/20/2009, from

The author of this paper talked about the advert of computer technology as a big change that made gathering information easier around the world. Regardless of the disadvantages of technology in terms of expenses, researches are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of using technology in the classroom. The author mentioned the study of Al-Jarf (2004) as a prove that teaching second language with technology is more effective than teaching with dependent on text book and students are able to post their own threads, short paragraphs, locating information from the internet and checking their spelling mistakes using Microsoft Word. In another study in 2003, the study proved that the internet exposes students to other cultures and enable students to understand language within culture.
As a teacher of foreign language I am sure that using in technology in teaching is making a big difference in the outcome of the learning process in terms of mastering the language and exposing students to the culture of the target language. Internet is an important tool of communication that gives students a wide field of knowledge about the language and culture.

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