Thursday, May 7, 2009

Teaching foreign language with technology

Julie, (09,04,13). Teaching foreign language with technology . distance learning home schools, Retrieved 05,07,2009, from

In this topic the author emphasized that all high schools or colleges are enrolling students to foreign languages, so teaching foreign languages is needed in both schools and house schooling, the house schooled students will need to be exposed to technology especially when the parents are not experts or native speakers of the required language. Technology offers a solid approach to teaching and learning a second language. Students are able to communicate through the different tools of technology video lessons, music-based instruction, games, cultural video designed to help students their understanding of the culture as well as language and virtual interaction. The author thinks that parents are able to find the tools of technology that will enable their kids to interact using through the target language with native speakers.
As a teacher of a foreign language I believe that the use of technology will make it easy for students to communicate through the authentic materials using the TV channels, TL websites magazines etc... And also it will be easy for teachers to facilitate effective sessions in the classrooms. Communication in the world of today is a basic characteristic and this happened because of the wide use of technology and students do not find any difficulties to develop using a foreign language.

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