Sunday, April 19, 2009

Teaching with technology

Hooper, S., & Rieber, L. P. (1995). Teaching with technology. In A. C. Ornstein (Ed.), Teaching: Theory into practice, (pp. 154-170). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

The author spoke about the role of teachers in the classrooms and what are their roles beyond sparking knowledge; the role is that teacher should be a manager, psychologist, counselor, and more over he should manage the technology to communicate with students. He thinks that technology is not the number of computers and devices in the classroom, but also the benefits of these tools that help in reinforcing the learning process, the educational technology makes the students evolved in applying ideas from various sources to create the best learning environment possible for students. The author thinks that using technology in teaching is different than using technology in other fields; it needs plans and goals specifications, the goals that connected with the needs of learning and then the kind of technology must be used and this will prevent the misuse of technology. The author stated five phases for the traditional role of technology like familiarization, utilization, integration, reorientation and evaluation. As a foreign language teacher in the DLI, I am considering what the author of this journal, that it’s important to understand the role of teacher in selecting and evaluating the appropriate type of technology that is suitable to my students and in the same time is beneficial for them instead of getting lost in the big field of technology which contains a lot of entertainments that serve the goal of advertisement and business

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